"So there was much joy in that city!"

Acts 8:1-8 is an ironic sequence of events. It begins with Saul approving the execution of Stephen and it continues with the persectution of the church of Jerusalem which caused the scattering of believers into the regions of Judea nad Samaria. One of the scattered believers was Philip. He entered into the city of Samaria proclaiming Christ and performing signs. These signs consisted of casting out unclean spirits and healing. This is to assume that the evil One had a foothold over this city. However, as the proclamation of Christ came and the power of Christ was demonstrated among them there was much joy! Jesus provided deliverance physically and spiritually which resulted in much joy. Ironically, what began with persecution, ended in a joyful city!

While living here in Philadelphia there has been several, recent instances where God is showing me that this city lacks true joy. This lack of joy is the result of physical and spiritual bondage. There is addiction, fear, confusion, hurt, abuse, brokeness, uncleanness etc. The foothold of the evil One is great. However, God has 'disarmed the rulers and authoritites and has put them to open shame by triumphing over them in Christ' (Col. 2:15) I am constantly being stirred to see authority of God demonstrated in this city in such a way that we openly see the healing, restoration and joy birth out of a new found hope in Jesus! Progressively Philadelphia is becoming a city of 'much joy'. Be expecting God to do big things!