How do you start a fight? PURSUE HOLINESS!: Intro

Chuck, the “Iceman” Liddell has been honing his skills since he was twelve years old. At the age of twelve he took up martial arts and at fourteen he started wrestling and kickboxing. He has aggressively learned and practiced these arts for more than twenty years making him one the greatest strikers of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. He holds several titles, one of which is the UFC light heavyweight championship, and he continues to train and fight even at the age of 38.

Throughout the Pastoral Epistles, Paul instructs Timothy to engage in the fight of faith with “Iceman”-like tenacity. Paul exhorts him to, “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith.” (1 Tim. 6:11)

These exhortations were due to the recent corruption within the church of Ephesus. This corruption was stimulated by the internal rise of false teachers. Therefore it was necessary for Paul to personally instruct Timothy in order that they might once again establish quality leadership within church of Ephesus that could withstand the continual onslaught of Satan’s devices.

“Satan loves to sail with the wind and to suit men’s temptations to the conditions and inclinations. If they be in prosperity, he will tempt them to deny God (Prov. 30:9); if they be in adversity, he will tempt them to distrust God; if their knowledge be weak, he will tempt them to have low thought of God; if their conscience be tender, he will tempt to scrupulosity; if large, to carnal security; if bold-spirited, he will tempt to presumption; if timorous, to desperation; if flexible, to inconstancy; if still, to impenitency.” (Brooks, 16)

“Take heed to yourselves, because the tempter will more ply you with his temptations then other men. If you will be the leaders against the prince of darkness, he will spare you no further than God restraineth him. He beareth the greatest malice to those that are engaged to do him the greatest mischief. As he hated Christ more than any of us, because he is the General of the field, the Captains of our salvation, doth more than all the world besides against his kingdom; so doth he hate the leaders under him, more than the common soldiers: he knows what a rout he may make among them, if the leaders fall before their eyes.” (Baxter,74)