Making Much of God?

Within the ebb and flow of life we often find ourselves either trudging through the valleys of dispair or leaping upon the peaks of prosperity. We are either in the Wilderness or we are in the Promise Land. In either case, unbelief can become an underlying variable which is evidence of idolatry. You see, in moments difficulty we fail to depend upon God and in moments of prosperity we miserably fail to continue to act upon that dependence by making much of God. We can get so enravled by the relief or success of the moment that God becomes secondary.

Recently, one of my friends from church was finally offered a job after several months of searching. These 'several months' were full of wilderness experiences. However, now that God has broken through how quick have we been to thank God? I was talking to a non-believer at a coffee shop. She was struggling with a similar wilderness experience. I aimed at encouraging her by the story of our friends from church. And yet, in the midst of encouraging her I neglected to make much of God's provision. I made much of their relief but failed to bring God into the conversation. And we wonder why unbelievers struggle to see the glory of God. Perhaps we don't make much of it. Perhaps we are full of unbelief ourselves.

Through the peaks and the valleys of life we are guided by the wise hand of God. Through Christ we are provided grace in all circumstances; so whether we walk through the Wilderness or stand within the Promise Land our lives are in the hand of a meticulouly sovereign God who is worthy of our dependence. Furthermore, he is worthy of our conversations with both believers and unbelievers! What can you do today to make much of God?