A Believer's Identity

Recently I have found a deep sense of longing for many of my friends who have been wallowing in the wasteland of purposelessness. Their days are filled with mundane routine. The routine of getting up late, thinking about cracking open the Scriptures, but just getting swept away in the hustle and bustle of daily activity. So off to work they go meandering about their responsibilities while feeling a deep sense of dissatisfaction:"who am I and what am I doing here?". They find no contentment in what they do. It's just another day crunching numbers, organizing warehouses, doing paperwork and heading back home. So is this all their is to life? Mundane Routine!?

Well, life can be routine but it doesn't have to be mundane routine. The difference is that as believers, our identity and functionality does not end with responsibilities at a company. In fact, our identity is first and foremost in Christ which makes everything we do at a company significant. Now in Christ each number I crunch, each strategy of organization, and every page of paperwork is now an avenue through which Christ in you can be manifest to a perishing workplace.
Christ in you makes everything significant because it stands in glory to the one who made you; who fashioned you with all the faculties to make glorious the mundane. Not only has are you made to put Christ on display through routine jobs, but you have a greater identity and functionality in the Christ's community. The church should never be neglected when considering our identity. Christ has purchased us to the church to meet one another's physical and spiritual needs as well as to have our needs met. He has fit you into his community with purpose and significance. Thus, your functional responsibility in Christ is to seek to met the spiritual needs of your brothers and sisters. It means asking hard questions and being willing to give honest answers. It means being humbled and being a means of grace that leads others to humility in Christ.

We are in fact a peculiar people whose functionality and identity are fundamentally found in Christ. But since in Christ we are purchased to his community, our identity and functionality are flushed out through Gospel-centered relationships in him.

So if you have been wallowing in the wasteland of purposelessness get yourselves into Christ's community and begin living out Christ in every number crunched, every organizational strategy, and every paper filed. You are significant in Christ! To rely on identity and significance in anything else would be cheating yourself. For you were created for nothing less than an infinite God!