Fight Club: Lesson 9- Mature and Humble

Just a reminder: How do you start a fight? Pursue Holiness!
The overseer must not be a recent convert. He must not be “newly planted” in the faith. He needs to sink his roots and develop some maturity in order to develop fruit that might be nourishing to others.

Often times the appearance of maturity and accelerated growth are mistaken for the excitement and zeal of a new convert. New converts must be seen as vulnerable. The seed of the Gospel is often torn from them in an instant. New converts must be more tightly embraced when they have received salvation. Also it is important that “involvement in ministry” does not become the mode of operation for new converts.

Discipleship, mentoring, theological training, or ministry training should be avenues through which the believer seeks to be informed about maturity. However, being informed does not mean that the material has taken affect upon the heart. Therefore, in order for development to take place there must be periods in which the believer is incubated. He must be under the supervision of other leaders who can direct his desires and mentor his character to the point in which his calling can be matured and confirmed before the church and leadership.
Discuss: What has been the most beneficial times of maturation in my life and how so?

The result of placing an immature Christian in a position of leadership is often pride. This pride will lead to unwise dealings with church members and even an unwillingness to be led by other elders. The consequence is condemnation. This is a condemnation that is demonic and of the devil. This condemnation is either the accusation of Satan against the man or it is a similar condemnation that Satan will endure for his pride. Either way, condemnation will be the result of placing an immature Christian in a position of leadership.

Discuss: What are some areas of pride in my life? Is pride ever associated with your desire for the ministry? How do you fight pride?

Answer the following questions:

1. When were you converted?

2. What would you say is level of spiritual maturity?

3. If you asked your wife or a close friend to critique your spiritual maturity what would they say?

4. In what ways do you see pride in your life?

5. Are you sensitive to critique and criticism?

6. Can you submit to the opinions of others when your opinion is different?

Read: Thomas Brooks, Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices, p. 50-78.