“Weekly musings on the gospel, depth and lesser realities” is how we are describing this blog. Fleeting moments of inspiration and insight are what we hope to capture. We’ll seek for ways to express the pulsing ache in our hearts to grow deeper in the grace and truth of Christ, and an assortment of casual observations about life – the good, bad and ugly – will also find its way here. As these thoughts intersect and coalesce…hopefully you will find some encouragement for your journey.
Ultimately we hope to connect the dots. Life in a fractured world means that we often live fragmented lives. It doesn’t always make sense, and it can easily become compartmentalized. The danger is that we start to think that “the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important part of my life.” There is a subtle trap in this thinking…Jesus is a part, not the whole. So we can miss that He is ultimate Reality and the One who reveals what all of life is about. Jesus allows us to get beyond the sun (Ecclesiastes), that is, beyond fragmentation to unity. We gain clarity as we clearly see that life is about the glory of God and our opportunity to enjoy Him forever. So, the gospel is the lens by which we hope to view life, live life and enjoy life. As we connect the dots, the picture is clearly seen: Life is about Christ. (italics added)