For Instance: Naming Sin and Preaching the Gospel

God has been good to make me aware of a particular sin. He has exposed the sin of self-love. In situations of service to my wife there have often been underlying motives for self. God has been good to open my eyes to see my sin specifically and the situations in which it typically has been demonstrated.

Now what is the counterpart of the gospel? In reading Andrew Murray's book on humility, there has been a greater awareness of Christ's unending love and obedience to the Father. John 4 "My meat is to do the will of the Father." John 8 "I do nothing on my own authority but speak just as the Father taught me". Christ never thought "hmmm, I am going to plan a day just for me." He always demonstrated love to the Father by obeying him. Not only did Christ demonstrate love to the Father but he also demonstrated selfless love to those he encountered. He befriended others. He healed. He taught. He blessed. He washed feet. He DIED. John 13 "...he love them to the end."

In large part, the substance of the gospel is self abandonment, reckless obedience to God and devotion to others. Now in Christ, by God's grace, I can love this way! In Christ, grace and truth can pervade from our lives. But in the throws of life, I must be postured to preach these truths into everyday circumstances where I am prone to love self.