Honoring a Man by Celebrating his Savior

As the procedures of the funeral took place last week there were several individuals who spoke to me and complimented the life of my grandfather, Russell Fahlgren. Those who gave compliments were right to do so! I enjoyed hearing others speak of the unique character of this great man. However, as the funeral procedures carried on and more character qualities of Grandpa were mentioned there was one phrase that the Holy Spirit continued to impress upon me. It was this, "What... a... Savior!".

Grandpa's life was impressive, but there is only one reason for it. It certainly had little to do with his upbringing. Nor was it a result of unique personal abilities. Rather, all that was impressive in my grandfather - his kindness, compassion, honesty, discipline, patience, contentment etc.- is a direct result of his Savior. For it was his Savior that paid the infinite penalty of sin so that God's favor- His grace- might abound. God's grace did abound in the life of my grandfather as seen in his Christ-like character. God's favor not only gave Grandpa the strength and ability to be kind and compassionate but God's favor made him aware of his deep need for dependence upon his Savior.

It is in this that a godly trajectory has been established for our extended family, all of whom love the Savior. Once again, this is due to God's favor through his Son. And yet, God had chosen to use my grandfather as an overwhelming means of grace to our extended family. God has graced our family with the life of Russell Fahlgren.

And this is simply the beginning! For the Savior not only provided the grace for Grandpa's impressive character, and He not only provided grace to our extended families through the life of Russell Fahlgren but He, through the cross, has made my grandfather fit for glory!

My grandfather, by God's grace, has lived well and has led our family well providing us a wonderful opportunity to honor a man by celebrating his Savior. WHAT A SAVIOR!